Thursday 9 July 2020

Sleeping Beauty

I have suffered during Lockdown from thinking I am ahead but discovering I am not.
Mostly it is a matter of time passing – Lockdown means the absence of the usual festivals and public holidays which punctuate the year.  Time slips through my fingers like water.  I always know which day of the week it is, owing to my work, but the months elude me.  How can it be that we are half way through the year?
When I interrogate my thinking, I can see that at some level I believe that time has stood still during Lockdown, as if in March I had pricked my finger on a spindle. 
It does not help that from the start of Lockdown and ever since, it has been Summer outside.
My plan in April was to complete my tax return at the soonest possible opportunity – it’s easier then to make sense of receipts and records and means it’s not hanging over me.
So I just did my tax return today.  Felt pleased with myself.  Then realised 3 months had somehow passed since I first resolved to complete it.  But on the upside, I’m still ahead of my usual performance.
Perhaps I should start thinking about Christmas now.  By the time I get round to doing something about it, the timing should be about right.

The pic above is a field of flax I walked through with Carol and Caroline - it should have made me realise it was high summer!

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