Tuesday 6 August 2024

A tale of two tits

 My bedroom is not overlooked, so after my shower, I was in a state of undress, wandering about, selecting the day's clothing in a leisurely manner when behind me I heard a noise at the window.
'Tap, tap, tap.'

I froze. 
Who could be there?
The window cleaner had not been for some time, but surely he would know better than to tap on the window.
'Tap, tap, tap.'
Whoever it was, they were still there.
Clutching my clothing to me, I turned slowly.
At first, I could see nobody.
'Tap, tap, tap'
There at the top corner of the window was a fluffy young blue tit.
Bemused by its own reflection, it tapped again.  
Then it was joined by a couple of its siblings, all tapping at the window.
Perhaps I should shut my blinds when I'm getting dressed, but if I had, I'd never have spotted the darling little birds.
So I'll continue to leave them open.

Although I may set a phone alarm for the day when the window cleaner is due.

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