Friday 27 March 2020

An important social event

After all our social events went online it was nice to have a real one last night.

The eight o clock call to go out on doorsteps and cheer for the NHS and health workers was the biggest thing to happen in my street since John and Margaret’s Christmas drinks party.

I unearthed my last four party poppers from a little-known drawer in the Welsh dresser which had not been opened since the days long-ago days of teen parties.  (Another turning-out task, I noted.)

Our cul-de-sac is a quiet one, not given to hullaballoo.  But we managed a reedy, self-conscious cheer.

And four party popper bangs which, in retrospect, may not have been a good idea.  It probably sounded as if Nigel and I had barricaded ourselves in with guns and were defending our well-stocked freezer against raiders.

We had a yelled conversation with John and Margaret opposite as the icy breeze swirled around us.

And although we said very little, really, it made us realise how lovely it is to catch up with neighbours, the people we rub along with each day and whom we miss when we don’t see.

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