Saturday 21 March 2020

Eggs without panic

I had given up on finding some eggs to buy. 

But as a vegetarian, they do mean a lot to me.

Since I was passing, I decided to get a couple of items in a Tesco’s Local.

I nearly didn't go in as last time I had received poor service:-

A dopey teenage boy had been serving. I had handed over my single purchase – a swede. He stared at it in puzzlement.  I suspected he did not know what a swede was. 

“It hasn’t got a barcode.  Can you go and get one with a barcode.”

I trudged back to the far end and returned with another swede, but then gave him a look over my glasses and pointedly used the self-service till.

Today, as I went to pay for my tub of low-fat spread, there he was again.  My heart sank.

Just as I reached the front of the queue, another assistant called to him,
“What are all these eggs doing behind the till?”

“When people have been trying to buy too many, I’ve been taking them off them, like you said.”

“Yes, but you’re then supposed to re-shelve them.  People have been asking for eggs!”

Now was my chance.

“In that case, can I have some eggs please?”

“You can have up to three packs.”

“No thanks.  Just one.”

A unexpected bounty!

Just goes to show that dopiness is a two-edged sword.

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